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German EU Presidency 2007

2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All

Diversity at work


This is the site of the department 'Emancipatiezaken' of the Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap (Flemisch civil service). This department is responsible for people with a disability that work for the flemish government. - NL

Gelijkekansen Vlaanderen
This website is an initiative of the Flemisch government that provides information about equal opportunities. the site gives an overview about the policy (we have a minister for equal opportunities), some research, interesting links and partners. - NL

Katholieke Vereniging Gehandicapten vzw
De Katholieke vereniging gehandicapten is an umbrella organisation of people with a disability. KVG has several local organisations.They organise activities, meetings, leisure activities, workshops, ... they also give information about possibilities and regulations concerning education, care, employment... - NL

Sociaal-Economische Raad van Vlaanderen (SERV)
The Flanders Social and Economic Council (Sociaal-Economische Raad van Vlaanderen, or SERV) is the consultative and advisory body of the Flemish social partners. The SERV comprises ten employer representatives (from BB, Unizo, VCSPO and Voka - Vlaams Economisch Verbond) and ten representatives from the Flemish trade unions (ABVV, ACLVB, and ACV). In 2003 the SERV established a Commission Diversity. This commision is focussing on proportional participation of people with a disability in the labour market. - NL

Vlaams Fonds voor Sociale Integratie van Personen met een Handicap
This is the website of the Vlaams Fonds voor Sociale Integratie van personen met een handicap. The 'Flemisch fund' is responsible within the Flemisch region for the 'certification' of people with a disability. - NL